Beginning on Ash Wednesday, on-line and paper versions of a parish-wide survey called the Disciple Maker Index is available for as many of our parishioners to take as possible. This DMI survey is looking to find out how deeply spiritual and skilled our people are so we can make an effective Pastoral Plan that cares for our parish in the years to come. Members of the Catholic Leadership Institute will be making an on-site visit to observe and to talk with our people to get a grasp of our culture, our norms and our needs so as to understand how they can help us become a more united, vibrant parish that both meets the needs of our people now and connects with those who come to us in the future.
I have chosen an involved process of evangelization and revitalization for our parish called the New Generation Parish that will be our main focus for the next three to four years. Not all parishes in our Diocese will be following this same path; only 22 or about a third of the parishes in our Diocese have chosen this track. We will have assistance and guidance from a representative from CLI that will be devoted to and focused on us for our success. The DMI survey mentioned earlier should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and I am giving us until Mach 18th to do our part. It is vitally important that we all get on board with this process for our future. I am seriously committed to taking care of you, leading you and working for you so Archangel Gabriel Parish can be a strong, thriving community that welcomes and serves every generation.
We will be regularly updating you on progress and results as this process moves forward. Please pay close attention to our webpage, social media posts and the bulletin for updates. I am praying for our growth, our unity and our shared commitment both today and into our future together. Please join me in this payer. Thank you.