A massive thank you to the over three dozen volunteers who helped make the parish picnic the major success it was. I want to especially thank Tim Burke from Cooked Goose for supplying all of the food free of charge; the Knights of Columbus, especially Jim Manion, for moving all of the supplies from Saint Malachy and for grilling the burgers and hot dogs; Linda Gomulka and Mary Weibel for coordinating the decorating; Karen Schlaegle for coordinating the serving line; Ashely Schlaegle for coordinating the cookie table; Jan Lipa for coordinating the 50/50; Steve Swank for coordinating the VBS presentation; Patrick Neve for coordinating the family games; and Ken Zern for his assistance in dealing with the odds and ends. In total we had 366 people in attendance, which was 100 more people than last year!
Thank you also to everyone who supported the 50/50 raffle. We raised $1,055, which was split with the winner, Christine Nagel. Proceeds benefitted our parish chapter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.