Please pray for all those who died from our parish between between October 16, 2023, and October 15, 2024.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.
Colleen A. Aleski
Valerie J. Ashbaugh
Dolores E. Bafile
Amy M. Baker
Mary B. Baker
William E. Baker, Sr.
Joseph J. Balobeck, Jr.
Bernard F. Beck
George A. Best
Edward J. Bires
Joyce M. Black
Mildred "Dolly" Blumling
Frances T. Blumling
Gary P. Book, Sr.
Janet M. Breen
David Bressler
Stephen J. Brogley
Flora A. Bryan
John Buckshaw
Pamela A. Butterbaugh
Marie M. Cadwell
John J. Campbell
Debra A. Carrabbia
Frank Carrabbia, Jr.
Gloria J. Cecchetti
Michael Cefalo
Agnes L. Celedonia
Mary J. Cersosimo
Natalie Cersosimo
Mary A. Chestnutt
Florence Coperich
Donald G. Coultas
Robert Cramer
Yolanda A. DelMonte
Mary J. Devlin
Michele A. Devlin
Florence J. Dickinson
Harry R. Dobrowolski
Donald Dombrowski
Timothy M. Dorish
Shari L. Downs
John C. Dudzinski
Mary A. Dzurenda
Karen A. Esak
Aileen M. Faloney
Betty M. Fazio
Audrey Fela
Amelia C. Fillipone
Kathleen Fleck
Barbara A. Franz
Rita Funwela
Teresa M. Gallagher
Thomas Gallick
Joseph P. Garvin
Jennifer M. Giles
John W. Gilvarry, Sr.
Helen Girimonti
Kathleen A. Glikes
Anthony J. Grandovic
Lorraine E. Gratkie
Don K. Gray
Russell W. Greshauk
Shirley S. Gruzewski
Raymond J. Gujski
Lucy Guskey
Janice L. Halbedl
John R. Hanobik
Nancy A. Harkins
Catherine E. Havko
John Hirko, Jr.
Eric R. Hoffman
Sean Holmes
Michael Hurka
Dorothy S. Iwasevic
Walter S. Iwasevic, II
Edward A. Jenkins
Paul J. Johnston
Janice Jones
Florence E. Kaminski
Roberta Karabinos
Thomas P. Karabinos, Jr.
Dolores A. Karpa
Charles Killcrece, Jr.
Ruth Ann Knight
George M. Kohan, Sr.
Karen Kosarych
Russell M. Kosarycz
Joseph I. Kosol
Karen M. Krall
John King Kriska
John F. Kronz
Darcy L. Kuhn
James Kunsman
James M. Kuzir
Robert A. Kuzma
Dorothy M. Lange
John A. Langmann, Sr.
Joann L. Latusick
Genevieve Lauria
Randy Lee
Irene J. Leja
Barbara A. Leone
Karen M. Logue
Joaquin "George" Lourimore
Loretta B. Luebbert
Kenneth M. Lukitsh
Charles F. Lutz, Jr.
Robert A. Lypson
Rita M. MacIntyre
Joanne M. Malenock
Dale A. March
Kathleen H. Marion
Thomas W. Marnich, Sr.
Albert B. Martonik
Judith L. Martys
Joanne M. Masciola
Carl A. Masciola
Linda Masilunas
James E. Mason
Anthony J. Mastrangelo
Dorothy M. McDermott
Patricia B. McDonnell
Patricia A. McKee
William P. McManus, Jr.
Helen C. Metro
Marjorie J. Mihalov
Mary L. Mitchell
Benina A. Mogan
William V. Molka
Barbara A. Mollica
Deanna Mongiovi
Kathleen A. Monyak
Lawrence C. Morris
Ronald J. Mudryk
Victor A. Mulvihill
Robert E. Murrell
Mary L. Nagel
Burtis I. Neimeyer
Deana Olszewski
Howard A. Osman
Shirley K. Pappaterra
Ronald J. Pappaterra
Mary L. Pappaterra
Patricia A. Pappaterra
Virginia A. Parada
Vincent Ross Parrilla, Jr.
Gary L. Parsons
Lorraine Paschuck
Patricia A. Paul
Anita M. Pendel
Patricia A. Peroni
Audrey E. Pintar
Gary Poliwczak
Anne Porta
Gerard F. Powers
Richard A. Powers, Sr.
Frances Prihistal
Louis E. Racke, Jr.
Rosemarie H. Rebel
Gregory M. Redmerski
Jean G. Redmerski
Shirley A. Reel
Paula C. Reimer
Theodore C. Rich
David V. Roberts
Catherine G. Roedler
Elaine Roman
Eileen L. Roman
Shirley A. Ruperto
Mary M. Salak
Anna Marie Santucci
Irene Schafers
Paula J. Schaukowitch
Anthony Schaukowitch
Jacqueline L. Schiebel-Beadle
Rosemarie Schons
Eileen M. Schrecengost
Ernest J. Schulmeister
Luann M. Schultz
Jeffrey W. Shaffer
Deborrah Slater
Robert J. Slattery
Daniel V. Sleva
William K. Smitsky, Jr.
Louis F. Smykal
Dolores C. Stack
Mark A. Streib
Paul C. Suehr
John C. Sullivan
Leona T. Surdyn
Andrew F. Taravella, Sr.
Raymond F. Terpack, Sr.
Darlene A. Thomas
Ronald Thomas
Daniel L. Tracy
Benjamin J. Trapuzzano
William J. Trohaugh
Alberta M. Veltum
Frank J. Vertullo
Josephine M. Vertullo
Helen V. Vinci
John G. Virgi
Barbara N. Vogel
Michael A. Wadowsky
Dorothy I. Wagner
Elizabeth Walsh
Richard J. Walters
Kaelin T. Weber
Helen J. Williams
Patricia A. Wilson
Donald M. Woessner
Ronald P. Woshner, Jr.
Robert E. Yaggi
Norbert "Fred" Yaggi
Mary Ann Zappala
Jerzy S. Zderkowski
Lois Zimmer
John S. Zombeck, Sr.